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March 2025

without the rest of the description its hard to generate an appropriate title

Sorry, dear, you seem to have lost your train of thought there with the article description. Very much like our dear technology that often leaves us hanging! Attempt at wit aside, do provide the full gist of the story you're after, and I'll make sure to cook up a summary with an exclusive Brit flavoured humour, tickling both the funny bone and the techie nerves, while showcasing the ongoing tug-o-war between us and technology. Read more here.

samsungs surprise new software update for galaxy z fold 6 un

Righto, buckle up, tech enthusiasts! Our dear friends at Samsung seem to be rather bamboozled by their own technological wizardry, releasing a rather unexpected software update for the yet-unseen Galaxy Z Fold 6 in Korea. Oh, mind you, we're only at the stage of the Galaxy Z Fold 3 for the rest of us mere mortals.

This could be an unparalleled display of techie clairvoyance or just a simple, if you pardon my French, cock-up. Either way, it’s a stark reminder of the incessant tango we tech-heads dance with the ever-advancing and baffling world of technology.

The update boasts to address the ol' stability issue - because who doesn't love a stable folding phone, right? It seems even Korean users of this mythical device are still struggling with the elusive balance between bending their tech in half and expecting it to work, which has proven to be a challenge as persistent as a Yorkshire terrier at supper time. One can always hope, amid gales of laughter, that technology will one day agree to do what it claims on the tin. But until then, chin up! The dance must continue... Read more here.

apple unveils new ipad air models exploring the m3

Apple, in their usual fanfare style, unveiled their spiffing new 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Air models featuring the mighty M3 chip. The gadgets pack quite a punch in their unassuming slim bodies as the M3 chip promises to inject horsepower (excuse the antique term; we're going for nostalgia here) into the new generation of iPads.

The highlight undoubtedly is the updated Magic Keyboard. If I were to indulge in hyperbole, I'd liken it to a knight in shining armour rescuing us from the dragon of typos. But let's not get carried away. The Magic Keyboard may not wield Excalibur, but it undoubtedly improves typing experience and user interaction.

Nevertheless, amidst these grand narratives of technological triumphs, we mustn't forget the ever-present challenges that haunt us like the perpetual London drizzle. The usual suspects for tech woes - like compatibility issues, infrastructure limitations, and shall I dare to say it? Shoes that just won't match with these shiny new gadgets - remain as unchallenged as ever.

But let's keep our upper lip stiff, shall we? Because, in the end, isn't the installation of the inevitably forthcoming software update that sends your new gadget into a spiralling existential crisis part of the technological journey, a rite of passage as it were? Onwards and upwards, dear reader. The quest for technological compatibility must and will march on, one software update at a time. Read more here.

march 2025 android security bulletin google fixes 44 vulnerabilities

Well, well, Google has been feverishly channeling its inner Bob the Builder this March 2025. The Android Security Bulletin has reported the patching of 44 vulnerabilities, thus serving us the techno-equivalent of a Swiss cheese.

Two of these loopholes were not just theoretical, mind you. They were actively exploited flaws, essentially the digital embodiment of leave-your-backdoor-open in a dodgy neighbourhood.

In an ever-churning sea of ones and zeroes, the modern-day tech titans like Google are showing a remarkable survival instinct. Much like a juggler with greasy hands, they're keeping an array of complexities up in the air, battling to plug gaps and outsmart the nefarious minds out there who are intent on exploiting these slip-ups.

So, bear with our Silicon Valley comrades as they perform this daily tug of war, towing us safely along in this digital voyage. Meanwhile, keep your fingers crossed and your passwords complex because it seems technology's challenges are like the rain in good ol' Blighty - ever-present, unpredictable, and a source of constant fascination. Read more here.

night at the oscars uncovering hollywoods favorite postawards spot

In a tryst of Hollywood glitz and grease-laden glory, we've stationed our brave hearts at the famed Sunset Boulevard In-N-Out. The mission? Witness the parade of Oscar winners swapping statuettes for servings of greasy delight. Icons of the silver screen, gods among us mere mortals, tucking into the humble hamburger - it's a scene that offers a chucklesome jolt to the stiffness of a tuxedo-themed evening.

However, I daresay, even this hotspot for victory celebrations faces its perennial digital woes. You see, the lifeblood of this fast food fortress runs through the veins of complex tech and infrastructure, much like a riveting spy thriller, sans Tom Cruise running in the background.

Ever seen an Oscar winner twiddling thumbs, anticipating their Double-Double order? It's an ordeal faster than a Michael Bay flick, courtesy of advanced order processing technology, bar the few nail-biting hiccups. Disruptions and delays mimic a never-ending sequel of 'Fast & Furious,' but rather than high-speed chases, it's about fulfilling cravings in a digital dash.

The truth is, the world of technology remains like Marmite – you either have a love or hate relationship with it. Regardless, our burger-slinging commanders navigate the treacherous waters, ensuring no celebrity, or mere mortal for that matter, goes into hunger-induced histrionics.

So, here's a toast to the ongoing battle of bytes and burgers, the indomitable spirit fuelling this fast-food bastion amidst the tinsel town turmoil. It may be despairingly exasperating at times, but aren't the best things in life accompanied by a pinch of quirk, or should I say, a drop of secret sauce? Read more here.

microsoft confirms skype shutdown on may 5 an end of an

In the seemingly never-ending saga of technological twists, fabulous failures and delightfully digital dramas, it appears that Microsoft have finally decided it's curtains for Skype. Yes, folks, pack away the party poppers because come May 5th, you'll have to find another way to awkwardly video call your distant relatives.

Now, don’t get your USB cables in a twist. This demise has been on the horizon for as long as a Windows update—anyone worth their salt in ‘Ctrl+Alt+Del’ circles could see it coming. Some brave soul, evidently more explorer than casual user, fortuitously tripped over the news during their digital travels. Undoubtedly, they were on page 56 of the terms and conditions, an uncharted territory known to few. A tip of the hat to them for their service in navigating the complex technological landscape.

So once again we're plunged into the wild frontier of tech changes, disrupted routines and the perhaps frightening possibility of seeing Gran on a higher resolution platform. For all its troubles, eulogies for Skype will be mixed. Like an obscure indie band, it had its loyal following, its day of fame, and a gradual fade into nostalgia. Onward, brave surfers of the cyber sea, to the next digital peak and valley in our endless challenge to conquer technology harmony. Read more here.

analyzing the ups and downs a deep dive into kyurem

In an episode of "I’d really rather do something else, but here we are," the latest tech culprit to amble under my magnifying glass is none other than Kyurem Black and White. Like lambs wobbling to the IT slaughterhouse, these aspects have put themselves forward for a good, old-fashioned, Brit-style analysis. I say this not with bated breath but under the stalwart pretence of another update looming overhead. Oh, the joys of technology!

Essentially, we could spend our fairly British, overcast afternoon hacking away at something that, in all probability, could end up getting 'nerfed' faster than you can say “spotted dick.” But, stiff upper lip and all that, we dive headlong into the often tempestuous ocean of technology and infrastructure.

With a fresh pot of Earl Grey by our side, we'll be ready to weather whatever buffing or debuffing storm might be on the horizon for our monochromatic dragon duo. Bring on the tweaks, patches and the last-minute IT infuriations, we say - after all, it isn't a proper British afternoon without a little cheeky curveball thrown into the mix, is it? Read more here.

peeking into iphone 17 anticipated camera upgrade revealed

In the ongoing saga of "Tech vs. Humanity: Who Will Tire First?", it seems that Apple is once again lacing up its broadcast boots and getting back into the ring. Their contender for this round? An elusive new camera system slated for certain models in the upcoming iPhone 17 series. The company apparently has a soft spot for consistent renovation, gifting us with such engineering treats ever so regularly.

New CAD images that have surfaced recently (some say they emerge from the depths like Lovecraftian horrors, but we'll leave such dramatic imagery for the movie adaptation of this saga) suggest that the cherished US tech-giant is ready to woo hard-pressed consumers, the tech paparazzi and potentially even Siri, with a reformed eye, or, if we're sticking with the tech jargon, a new camera design.

Remember the Shakespearean line, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"? Well, we are left pondering - an iPhone camera by any other design, would it not click as efficiently? Hopefully, it's not just another shiny lure to reel us in. It's becoming evident that Tech's charm lies in its perpetual enthusiastic dance, even as it occasionally stumbles over its own ever-lengthening array of cables and updates.

Alas, until these enticing digital whispers solidify into a touchscreen reality, we must console ourselves with other delights. So, raise a cuppa to the tenacity of Apple and to their next revamped trinket. The company's flair for making us wait with bated breath remains, much like the lingering aroma of a disappointingly burnt crumpet. But remember, my fellow plug and play aficionados, inside every piece of complex technology, there’s usually...another piece of complex technology! As always, watch this space. Rest assured, though, we're all in this technological tango together. Read more here.