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February 2025

revamped voice assistant a free perk for prime members launching

With an admirable blend of tenacity and sheer bloody-mindedness, our tech wizards have titled their latest triumph: a revamped voice assistant. Like Britain's summers, the rollout will come in waves starting next month. This puts an optimistic light on our global obsession with instant gratification, reflecting the spirit of "afternoon tea will be served when we're good and ready, thank you very much.

Brace yourselves, yet another tech marvel will be gracing your digital doorstep, and before you ask, no, it won't fix the potholes in your local high street. However, for those self-proclaimed VIPs brandishing their Prime memberships like Olympic medals, you won't have to dig into your silk-lined pockets for this one. It's on the house - a truly rare treat in these austere times.

So chin up, and prepare yourselves to confront an additional contraption of the digital age, with the knowledge that the struggle with this technology will persist, like an uninvited neighbour at a garden party. Yet, remember, as much as we Brits love a good moan about the challenges of tech, we mustn't lose our sense of humour, because where would we be without it? Probably sat in front of a teasmade, yearning for a software update. Read more here.

elevenlabs pioneers aigenerated audiobooks on

Blessed with a vocal Fry or not, ElevenLabs is promising authors an enchanting solution to bridge the gap between pen and podcast. As per our dear chums over at TechCrunch, this cunning Voice AI company is now allowing authors to publish AI-generated audiobooks on its spanking new Reader app. The plot? Substitute human narrators for artificial intelligence.

In an act of digital ventriloquism, novels will converse with readers without a need for human intervention. Sounds like a dream come true for all those with an eardrum and a yearning for yarns, doesn't it? But before we all rush out for champagne and strawberries, let's spare a thought for the numerous tech gremlins waiting to spoil the party.

While this innovation by ElevenLabs is a shiny example of how AI continues to saunter into fresh territories, it also reaffirms an age-old adage: when it comes to tech innovations, the devil is always in the digital details. One can only imagine the potential pitfalls when 'Jane Eyre' is narrated by an AI with a penchant for cockney slang or dystopian novels given a chirpy chap's voice (charming or cringe-worthy, your choice).

But fret not! The folks at ElevenLabs seem sufficiently enthused to combat these challenges, hell-bent on making the AI versed in the Queen's English and every other accent you can shake a stick at. And so, dear readers, the twain of pen and app, author and AI, tries to meet amidst hiccups and hope. Tech, as ever, continues its stumble into the future, all part of the thrill of the game, what? Mystifying, formidable, but perpetually irresistible - a stiff-upper-lip dedication to making the impossible, possible. Bravo! Read more here.

boost your language learning skills with colour the neurological impact of syn

Brilliant news for individuals looking to become polyglots - a bit of colour could well make you a linguistic maestro. Researchers are now nattering about synaesthesia ('Joining of the senses', for the layperson), a marvellous condition where you might taste Tuesday as minty fresh or hear C-sharp in tangerine.

Seems, it wouldn't just make life experimental, but also gives your brain a right advantage when it comes to learning. In theory, languages could be learned far quicker if words and grammar were presented to learners in various colours.

While the idea of learning Spanish in full technicolour sounds great, we're left with the rather hefty task of figuring out how on earth to package such a system. Just imagine your classrooms, no longer bland and beige, being transformed into some sort of kaleidoscope or disco floor. However, as ever, it's not all glittery rainbows - there's likely to be ample head-scratching over this tech puzzle.

As with any technological beast, it's a right 'mare to get the blighters to work properly. We’ve just about policed a ‘copy and paste’ without the PC blowing a gasket. Who knows if our infrastructures can support such a vibrant approach to learning?

Meanwhile, those without the gift of synaesthesia might just have to stick with the old flashcards, or better yet, finding a lovely foreign amour to practice with! Nevertheless, a fascinating glimpse into what our future classrooms might look like. It's certainly 'food for thought'... preferably mint-flavoured, of course. Read more here.

unlock your unova tour experience maximizing rewards with the new free

Well, gather round technology enthusiasts, while we delve into the upcoming (and almost mystical) Unova Tour Experience, poised to tantalise your gaming senses. Best buckle in as it seems we now have a shiny new Tour Pass to add a sprinkle of chaos to the mix. This little beauty is aimed at boosting your rewards during the event, somewhat akin to a rigged fruit machine, one might say. Play more, win more. It's as simple as that! Well, I say simple...

The Tour Pass - a rather grand notion which is absolutely costless and available for only a smidgen of time. But, and here's the real twist, it's as unpredictable as British weather. Don't get too cosy now, you still need to traverse triumphant or tragic tech outcomes alike for this to make any sense, and frankly deliver the goods.

But chin up, soldier - therein lies the fun - and who doesn't love a good old fashioned challenge, every so often ... and then again ... and again. After all, a persistent struggle with technology is as British as a stubborn tea stain on a white shirt. Read more here.

countdown to unova the final week of pokmon gos season

Alright, folks. It's finally arrived, the grand finale of the "Season of Dual Destiny". Get your teacups ready because it's time for a dash of high drama, culminating into the Pokémon GO Tour Unova: Global. It's as global as a British sitcom being aired in Scorrier, Cornwall - which is to say, quite a lot.

This technological tour de force begins with the "Road to Unova" event, kicking off on Monday, February 24 at 10 (they've not mentioned whether it's AM or PM, disgracefully vague). Let's hope the servers don't decide to throw a wobbly just as we're about to bag that rare, shiny Snivy.

So brace yourself. It's time to wander down to your local park with phone in hand, stalking imaginary creatures - as is the custom these days. Also, do remember to look both ways before crossing the street while you battle a Zebstrika. It's all fun and games until someone combines Pokémon GO and traffic, and the only shiny thing you see is an ambulance light.

So off we go, traipsing into the land of Unova, showing technology who's the boss (spoiler: it's usually technology). Read more here.

easing the rtx 5090 fever reasons to stay calm

Ah, technology – isn’t it just a delight? Just when you finally get to grips with the latest dangled carrot, they switch up the farm and thrust a brand new, shinier, and altogether baffling root vegetable under our noses. Today’s Brexit baffler hails from the world of graphics cards - the RTX 5090. Given a name that sounds more like a Terminator model than a piece of kit intended to render your cat videos in 4K, the RTX 5090 is causing quite a stir – or should we say panic – amongst the digital devotees. But if you’re suffering from RTX 5090-induced stress insomnia, make yourself a cuppa, find your fluffiest socks and sit down – you shouldn’t worry too much. Technology, like that never-ending British drizzle, is an ever-evolving beast and there'll be a bigger, better, even more complicated graphics card around the corner before you can say "1080p". So, keep calm, carry on, and remember - the RTX 5090 isn’t going to steal your chips on the seaside or nudge up the price of your pint. Lord knows we have enough to stress about already! Read more here.

revolutionizing quantum computing enhancing qubit stability with topological

Quantum computers: marvellous, undeniably promising, yet as stable as a one-legged man at a kickboxing tournament. They're grappling with the slightly inconvenient issue known as 'qubit stability' - think a slightly confused pigeon attempting to navigate a hurricane. Valiant researchers are now trialling 'topological quantum bits', an approach that sounds more like a tongue-twister after a couple of pints than a tech solution. Bravo for trying though! Keep the chin up, quantum computers, Rome wasn't built in a day, particularly not by quantum computers. Read more here.

apples new strategy lowercost iphone model to skyrocket sales

In a move that can only be described as "financially pragmatic", Apple is betting its bottom dollar on their newest offspring - a cheap as chips (not literally, mind, these are still iPhones we're talking about) iPhone model. Following a wave of smartphone users who, shockingly, aren't quite keen on selling their kidneys for a phone, our beloved Fruit Stall has decided it's time to offer a slightly less costly version of their cherished flagship device - the iPhone. The hope is that, by being slightly less wallet-tearing, more folk will see fit to cart themselves off to the nearest Apple Store.

Will this brave gamble pay off or will consumers see it as a desperate plea from a technology giant under siege? Only time will tell. Meanwhile, pass the popcorn as we standby to see this drama unravel. Read more here.

debunking rumors netease layoffs less severe

Brace yourself, folks! It seems the relentless world of technology has once again served us a plot twist with a side order of exaggeration. Initial reports, whispering of "significant layoffs" at digital dons, NetEase, were reportedly as inflated as a balloon at a kiddie party. Seems like someone on the inside fancied a bit of good old Chinese whispers!

Yes, much to the delight of those presumably clutching onto their ergonomic office chairs, these reports have turned out to be as substantial as a Valentine's from a Hogwarts ghost. In fact, NetEase has, rather predictably, proven once again that navigating through its labyrinthine tech challenges can sometimes resemble a weekend DIY project; confusing, exasperating, but ultimately never as disastrous as predicted.

In our ongoing quest to make complex technology work, my dear chums, remember that even the most ominous of reports could just be a harmless bot sneezing binary code. Keep calm and code on! Read more here.

fold 7 enhancements more than just a new hinge and

In a rather audacious attempt to spice up life, it appears that with the forthcoming Fold 7, you're not just getting a less glaring crease and a swanky new hinge design. Oh no. Because in true technological spirit, the wizards behind the curtain have decided there's always room for more complications. You've got to admire their steadfast determination to challenge the very fabric of our existence with new upgrades — truly an ever persistent technological hamster wheel. But do stay tuned, because despite these blinding developments, we'll keep taking everyday complexities in stride with a good chuckle and a cup of tea. One shudders to imagine what they'll conjure up for Fold 8. Perhaps a built-in cup holder? One can only hope. Read more here.