analyzing the ups and downs a deep dive into kyurem
In an episode of "I’d really rather do something else, but here we are," the latest tech culprit to amble under my magnifying glass is none other than Kyurem Black and White. Like lambs wobbling to the IT slaughterhouse, these aspects have put themselves forward for a good, old-fashioned, Brit-style analysis. I say this not with bated breath but under the stalwart pretence of another update looming overhead. Oh, the joys of technology!
Essentially, we could spend our fairly British, overcast afternoon hacking away at something that, in all probability, could end up getting 'nerfed' faster than you can say “spotted dick.” But, stiff upper lip and all that, we dive headlong into the often tempestuous ocean of technology and infrastructure.
With a fresh pot of Earl Grey by our side, we'll be ready to weather whatever buffing or debuffing storm might be on the horizon for our monochromatic dragon duo. Bring on the tweaks, patches and the last-minute IT infuriations, we say - after all, it isn't a proper British afternoon without a little cheeky curveball thrown into the mix, is it? Read more here.