apples new strategy lowercost iphone model to skyrocket sales

In a move that can only be described as "financially pragmatic", Apple is betting its bottom dollar on their newest offspring - a cheap as chips (not literally, mind, these are still iPhones we're talking about) iPhone model. Following a wave of smartphone users who, shockingly, aren't quite keen on selling their kidneys for a phone, our beloved Fruit Stall has decided it's time to offer a slightly less costly version of their cherished flagship device - the iPhone. The hope is that, by being slightly less wallet-tearing, more folk will see fit to cart themselves off to the nearest Apple Store.

Will this brave gamble pay off or will consumers see it as a desperate plea from a technology giant under siege? Only time will tell. Meanwhile, pass the popcorn as we standby to see this drama unravel. Read more here.