double delight xbox and pc game pass welcomes orc
In a fantastic twist of fate that screams "I just can't get enough," gamers are once again blessed - or cursed, depending on your viewpoint, with two new additions to Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass. Today's dose of digital procrastination comes courtesy of Robot Entertainment's bright idea of tower defense roguelite mashup aptly named – wait for it – ‘Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap.’ It's not Shakespeare, but what it lacks in poetic title, it attempts to make up for in orc-slaying fun. Like trying to get the office printer to work without jamming, gaming, it seems, is a challenge that never respects the finish line. But do we give up? Never. Onward, dear gamers, onward! We’re not merely consuming technology here - we’re wrestling it into submission, one orc at a time. Quite like taking your teacup chihuahua for a walk in a hurricane. Now isn’t that a thrilling thought to kick-start your gaming weekend! Read more here.