mastering the art of techbased petty revenge a tale of two
In a classic display of the perennial war between man and machine (with a dash of neighbourly squabbles), two chaps have come up with a truly ingenious solution to combat their intrusive kin next door. It appears that peace and quiet isn't in everyone's backyard vocabulary.
These technical wizards have taken on the challenge of overcurious neighbours by creating a rather delightful piece of tech, cleverly wrought with nothing more than ingenuity and a smidgen of pettiness. It’s a hard challenge, teaching misdemeanours proper manners, particularly when it involves a technological brainwave that would probably leave most of us scratching our heads rather than scratching our fences for eavesdropping ears.
This delightful tale may not solve the perpetual conundrum of how to get the toaster to stop burning the toast, or figure out why the Wi-Fi always gives up the ghost just as the final episode of your favourite drama begins, but it does remind us of the Brit's uncompromising determination (and unique sense of humour!) in dealing with the constant challenges technology and nosy neighbours throw our way. Be it sorting out the telly's reception or teaching a prying neighbour their place, one thing is certain: chaos may reign, and tech may vex us, but we're not down for the count yet. Cheers to that! Read more here.