touching technology exploring the use of haptic feedback in smart

Haptic feedback, darling of the smartphone world, is in the spotlight again. This clever clogs technology, you see, buzzes and trembles in your hand responding to your feverish tapping, providing a sensory response akin to a Morse-code conversation with your device. For those lucky enough not to be part of the smartphone cult, think of it as your handset giving you a subtle nudge or pat on the back to reassure you that your masterful poke on its glossy glass surface did not go unnoticed.

However, as with everything in our hyper-connected, post-grilled-cheese-sandwich-emoji society, haptic tech doesn't always play ball. It's like trying to make a simple cup of tea and realising, to your horror, the situation you're in is as decaffeinated as the Librarian's beverage of choice. The challenge for our poor beleaguered boffins is to make sure this technological tango between your digits and the handset syncs up every time you grace the interface with your touch.

So, as the saga of making complex technology work for once doesn't show sign of climbing into bed for a long winter nap, we remain buckled in for the ride, past the potholes of performance issues, the blind corners of compatibility qualms and, who could forget – the relentless speed bumps of system upgrades. And just between you and me, isn't this techno tussle quite like your average Tuesday at the office, or is it just me? God save the chip. Read more here.