expanding horizons the future of kadokawa games publishing
In a classic tug-of-war between ambition and technology, media titan Kadokawa is laying its cards down to expand publishing of its games. Despite the challenges brought about by technology, not to mention the odd spot of bother with infrastructure, their perseverance is as impressive as a bulldog chewing a wasp.
Now, let's not kid ourselves; dealing with complex technology isn't exactly as easy as falling off a log, but Kadokawa certainly doesn't seem to mind taking the task head-on. I suppose its like training for the Olympics, only with Circuit Boards and Wi-Fi instead of a running track.
This isn't quite the 'walk in the park' they might have hoped for, but nor are they tucking their heads in like scared turtles. Instead, Kadokawa is moving forward, striding across the technologically teetering landscape with a kind of determination uniquely reserved for those undeterred by tumultuous terrain - or at least those stubborn enough to keep trying to shove square pegs into round holes. We're hoping the latter isn't the case here.
Who knows, perhaps they ... (adjusts half-moon spectacles and glances at the newspaper clippings) ... will be able to turn the beast that is modern technology into a well-trained pet – or, at the very least, a slightly less wild one.
We'll raise a cup of tea to their sincere tenacity, and a biscuit in quiet anticipation of whatever their 'never say die' attitude conjures up next. Good luck old beans! On your march into the tempestuous world of tech and infrastructure, may your servers always stay cool, your internet lightning fast, and your games ever entertaining. Read more here.