turkish startup revolutionizes mobile gaming with find the cat puzzle

Ah, dear reader, let's hop aboard the ever-spinning tech carousel and turn our gaze towards our friends in Turkey who've dreamt up a novel concept. It seems they've been spending their afternoons crafting a "Where's Wally"-esque mobile game with a feline twist. Quite the departure from the sullen analytics and block chains that usually dominate the tech scene.

This startup has ingeniously whiskered away traditional gaming prototypes and replaced them with devious drawings of labyrinthine complexity, wherein lurk cunningly hidden cats. One might argue it's like trying to find a coherent plot in a soap opera, but I digress.

The notion behind it is as simple as toast, yet as complex as my Aunt Mildred's trifle recipe. You, the befuddled human, are tasked with the arduous mission of finding these skulduggerous moggies hidden amidst the chaos. It's the technological equivalent of finding a parking space in Central London on a Saturday afternoon.

Tackling tacky tech troubles and testing our patience - that's the world of start-ups for you - perennially uphill but perpetually fascinating. And it's snowing kittens, my friends. Whatever will they think of next? Read more here.