unveiling the unreleased vehicles in gta onlines agents of sab
Whilst some folk are spending late nights toiling away on Alzheimer's research or exploring the quantum realm, many are enduring sleepless nights in a rather different pursuit: unearthing hidden gems in Grand Theft Auto Online's forthcoming Agents of Sabotage update. As dedicated as hermits and about as sociable, these tireless souls have kindly leaked the exclusive list of yet-to-be-released vehicles from the much-anticipated update. Plus, they've gone even further by revealing prices and the vehicles' class to boot.
No doubt these digital motor enthusiasts will be performing the equivalent of peering under the bonnet, examining virtual V8s and window shopping for spoilers. However, it's the ever-present, unpredictable and often fickle heart of technology which may either rev their engines or leave them stalled on the grid.
Security may be tighter than a duck's nether regions, but the sky-high appeal of the game's unreleased content invariably attracts the tenacious digital moles, who enjoy dwelling in the dark, uncharted territories of coding.
Funny how some people would rather invest their bandwidth in a hi-tech treasure hunt instead of, say, mining Bitcoin or equally profitable ventures. But then again, who am I to judge? Weather forecasts and Netflix recommendations can wait. Full speed ahead into the thrilling, unpredictable realm of unreleased virtual vehicles, old chaps! Read more here.