neil newbon ignored the silent drama between baldurs gate

Well my dear tech enthusiasts, here's a cheeky little tale that captures the grand quagmire of our beloved technological age.

Our hero in this saga, Mr Neil Newbon, known for his role as Astarion in the stellar video game ‘Baldur's Gate 3’, was left dangling in a digitised limbo by the chaps developing Fallout London. Despite pouring his heart and soul into text bubbles, Newbon was left, heart-wrenchingly on 'read' for what feels in the gaming world, an absolute eternity.

In this tome of tech woes, we're reminded that even in the unabashedly futuristic world of video games, communication can still be as elusive as finding a parking spot in central London during a weekday afternoon. In this case, it’s as if Newbon's messages were sent via Royal Mail, rather than the snappy, instantaneous messaging we've become so spoilt by.

But worry not, devoted tech worshippers. Although our journey through this technological jungle may be fraught with unresponded messages and relentless virtual ghostings, we remain undaunted, with a mug of strong tea in one hand and unyielding determination in the other. After all, when it comes to making complex technology work, it's often as unpredictable as a British summer, but equally as rewarding when it all comes together. Chin up! Onwards we march, one byte at a time. Read more here.