exclusive new xbox series xs game faces review bombing on metac

Right then, let's crack on then about these new toys from Microsoft, shall we? In the wonderfully unforgiving realm of gaming, the Xbox Series X and the Series S have descended amidst thunderous applause, only to be greeted with a shower of digital rotten tomatoes, otherwise known as review bombing. The impressive new gaming consoles are currently under a barrage on Metacritic, Steam, and even dear old Microsoft Store.

In a textbook case of 'Damned if you do, damned if you don’t', folks have turned their ire on the exclusivity of the consoles, proving once again that winning them over is tougher than getting a round of toast perfectly browned on both sides.

But let's hold fast, chaps! It's technology we're wrestling with, after all. There's no surrender here, just unyielding determination, constant updates, and the occasional 'turn it off and on again'. Because as we all know, in the relentless push and pull of technology, there will always be bumps in the road. Let’s endure them with a smirk and a shrug, shall we? Until we conquer them, onwards and forwards, the British bulldogs we are. Pip pip! Read more here.