apples new mac mini sneak peek into a compact design
Well, well, well, trusty old Apple has been at the tinker station once again, this time eagerly endeavouring to gift us with the perplexities of a new Mac Mini. Though guilelessly spilled the beans a tad earlier than should have, thanks to our ever watchful elders at Amazon.
Now, here's the crux. This delightful little contraption, stubbornly refuses to refrain itself from its surname's implications. Indeed, it’s supposedly been on a rather successful diet, presenting us with a more streamlined, 'mini'er form factor, akin to the size of a scone than a traditional shortbread tin.
Then, there's the technological marvel, dubbed the new M4 chip. Rumours are this little sparkler will accelerate tasks faster than a pint of stout disappears on a Friday night.
And let's not forget the two blingy new front-facing USB-C jacks, sitting there at the front in all their glory, like a pair of dazzling diamond earrings. Plus, an audio jack, your traditional 'last songs' companion, rather handy for drowning out those Monday mornings blues.
In true Apple spirit, we keep awaiting the official reveal with a sense of anticipation, akin to queuing for your morning cuppa. It seems the challenges of technology and infrastructure are rather like the English weather - ever-present, frequently exasperating, but with the right approach, there's always a rainbow at the end of the storm. So let’s keep calm and tackle tech, shall we? Read more here.